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Prescribers Helping More Patients
Arine Resonate - Predictive Analytics

Enable Prescribers to Help More Patients

Arine deploys recommendations that resonate with prescribers, so you can extend your reach to substantially reduce total cost of care.

We enable you to address the needs of more patients, without the usual abrasion.

Engage Prescribers to Lower Costs Broadly

Misprescribing leads to poor patient outcomes as well as avoidable costs, including hospital readmissions or monies spent on inappropriate medications. Typical medication management programs cannot selectively identify and address outlier prescribing patterns at scale, to help larger populations.

Arine maps your highest-risk patients to their prescribers where medication changes are needed, so you can have the greatest impact with each provider outreach.

Our recommendations resonate with clinicians, yielding 50% implementation rates, so you achieve your program objectives. This approach has led to 20-30% reductions in behavioral health costs, while also reducing provider abrasion.

Prescriber Analytics

Outcomes that Make a Difference


Decreased Polypharmacy

Reduced Behavioral Health Polypharmacy


Saved PEPY

Up to $4,300 Decrease in Annual Costs per Engaged Member


Provider Acceptance

Accepted Provider Recommendations

Extending Reach and Impact

Focus Prescriber Outreach
Generate Engagement

Extending Reach and Impact

Focus Prescriber Outreach

Focus Prescriber Outreach

Arine leverages AI algorithms to identify outlier prescribing patterns and maximize impact for larger numbers of patients.

Arine engages the prescribers who can have the greatest impact on improving patient care, so we can have the broadest influence while minimizing provider abrasion.

Extending Reach and Impact

Generate Engagement

Generate Engagement

Arine instills provider trust through our well-informed recommendations, and our suggestions are implemented more than 50% of the time.

Arine’s prescriber communications are designed for greatest effect, including critical patient context and specific guideline language, so they resonate with prescribers and drive improved care.

Enhance Outcomes and Reduce Costs through Prescriber Outreach

Learn how Magellan Health reduced costs by addressing inappropriate prescribing and drug-related problems for healthcare members.

We are now moving beyond a single point of contact to understand and address what is happening in between sessions and we’re doing this using data and leveraging technology. This is an exciting shift for the behavioral health field. Magellan Health is working with...Arine—market leaders in technology—on the whole patient journey so we know where there is an elevated risk when we have patients who aren’t sitting face-to-face in their provider’s office.


Ken Fasola

Former CEO, Magellan Health

A Scaled Way to Optimize Medications

Network Insights
Network Insights

Arine examines your data, analyzing it for prescribing trends to identify outliers with multiple opportunities. 

Focused Recommendations
Focused Recommendations

Arine creates a short list of high-impact patient recommendations for each provider.

Broader Outcomes
Broader Outcomes

Arine tracks provider implementation of recommendations, measuring the impact on outcomes across populations.

Schedule a Call Today

Enable prescribers to help more patients and reduce total cost of care.